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Modern Web Browsers

The Division of Corporations' Web Application supports later versions of the following browers:

The above browsers cover over 96% of browser market share.  Other browsers supporting HTML5 should also work fine with our web application.  If you are considering choosing or adding a new browser, you can see how the compare in HTML5 feaure support here.

Why only Modern Browsers?

At the Division of Corporations, we're committed to developing web applications that go beyond the limits of traditional software.  Our engineering teams make use of new capabilities available in modern, up-to-date browers.  That's why we made the decision to support only modern browsers, which also improved security and performance.

Recommended Browsers

We recommend the latest version of Google Chrome (which automatically updates whenever it detects that a new version of the browser is available).  We support the current and previous major releases of Firefox, Intenet Explorer, and Safari.

Browser Settings

All browsers must have JavaScript enabled to use the Corporations Web Application.  These are normally the default settings.
