Goal 2: Expand and Encourage Public Participation in Historic Preservation
- Objective 2-A: Encourage Preservation Outreach Efforts
Objective 2-B: Promote and Facilitate Economic Benefits of Historic Preservation
- Promote historic sites as economic engines as well as tourism assets.
- Clearly identify, describe, and promulgate the benefits of heritage tourism.
- Update Economic Benefits of Historic Preservation in Florida.
- Grow the Florida Main Street Program.
- Increase the number of tax credit projects within commercial downtowns and Main Street communities.
- Objective 2-C: Expand Geographic Outreach Efforts
- Hold Florida Historical Commission and National Register Review Board meetings in locations throughout Florida to encourage public attendance and participation.
- Establish Certified Local Government regional trainings and informational meetings.
- Participate in onsite workshops and webinars to publicize opportunities for historic preservation grants and tax credits.