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Non-Voting System Technologies

Webpage last updated: March 17, 2022

Election officials rely upon and/or are presented frequently with a host of innovative and evolving technologies. These technologies expand voting opportunities, ensure the security of voting systems, improve election administration, and enhance voting accessibility for persons with disabilities. The question invariably arises from vendors and Supervisors of Elections –What is the Department of State able to review, test and approve or certify when it comes to these non-voting system technologies?

The Department has clearly defined authority to review, test, and approve non-voting systems such as the independent audit systems and automatic tabulating equipment for purposes of a recount.  See sections 101.591 and 102.166(2), Florida Statutes.  Current approvals are listed below.

As to other peripherals, components, or assistive tools, they fall outside the scope of any express statutory authority for the Department to review and approve. However, special circumstances may apply including but not limited to the nature of the evolving technology, grant funding terms, federal law requirements, and legislative intent to explore technologies for accessible and overseas voting that may warrant an initial review before use by election officials in the state. Our determination that a specific product, technology or service falls outside the scope of the Department’s regulatory authority to review and approve, does not mean that we have approved it. It simply means that it does not need to be submitted for review and approval. With the consideration and/or purchase of any of these types of non-voting system technologies, an election official should carefully review and assess its utility, accuracy, security, and integration into the elections process, whether the technology is a web-based blank ballot delivery application, a voting assistive service/product, a ballot duplication tool or other technology.


Automated independent audit system

Automated tabulating equipment for recounts

None at this time.


