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Voter Registration - New and Removed

The chart reflects data based solely on one or more of the removal reasons (i.e., adjudication of mental incapacity without voting rights restored, felony conviction without voting rights restored, death, and moved out of state) used to report biennially to the U.S. Election Assistance Commission’s Election Administration and Voting Survey. Note: Statistical differences between state and county voter registration reports may occur due to other record activities included in the county reports.

Data as of February 28, 2022.

Year  New  Removed - Active Removed - Inactive
2022 99,907 69,411 3,298
2021 582,363 326,077 155,813
2020 1,103,115 222,277 205,863
2019 634,982 232,544 203,460
2018 750,353 218,516 138,203
2017 448,209 237,708 222,220

A registered voter may only be removed from the official list of registered voters in the Florida Voter Registration System by a Supervisor of Elections for any one or more of the following reasons:

  • Voter is determined to be ineligible (e.g., adjudication of mental incapacity without voting rights restored, felony conviction without voting rights restored, death, not a U.S. citizen, did not list a valid Florida residence, determined to be fictitious person)
  • Voter moved out of state and either the voter or the out-of-state election official notifies the State or the Supervisor of Elections
  • Voter asks in writing to be removed from the rolls
  • An inactive voter fails to vote, change/update his or her voter registration record, or request a vote-by-mail ballot for two subsequent federal general election cycles after being placed in inactive status. A registered voter status changes from active to inactive only if the voter does not respond to a pre-addressed, postage paid address confirmation final notice within 30 days about whether their registration address is still valid. An inactive voter remains eligible to vote until he or she is removed from the official list of registered voters. Removal of inactive voters does not occur during the 90-day window before a federal election.

New and Removed Archive - Data for 1995 - 2016
