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FAQ - Voter Registration

  1. Who can register to vote?
  2. How or where can I register to vote?
  3. How do I update my existing Florida voter registration record?
  4. Does Florida have online voter registration?
  5. How can I find out if I am registered?
  6. I am in the military. What do I need to do to apply to register to vote?
  7. What is the deadline to apply to register to vote?
    • The deadline to register is 29 days before the upcoming election.
    • For a primary election, the deadline to change parties is 29 days before election day. For a general election, a party change can be made at any time.
    • A late registration deadline is available if you (or accompanying family member) have been discharged or separated from the Merchant Marines or armed forces, or from employment outside the territorial United States. The late registration deadline is 5 p.m. on the Friday before election day in the county in which you are to be registered. Contact your Supervisor of Elections for more information and to obtain the form you have to complete.
    • For information on voter registration deadlines for upcoming elections, please visit our Election Dates webpage.
  8. I have just moved within Florida. Is there anything I need to do about my voter registration?
    • Whether you moved within the same county or moved to another county in Florida, you do not need to re-register to vote. However, you do need to update the address on your voter registration record. Contact your Supervisor of Elections.
  9. I have just moved to Florida from another state. Is there anything I need to do about my prior voter registration?
    • If you intend to vote in Florida, you must first register to vote here. Please visit our Voter Registration page for more information. Then contact the election office in your former state to cancel your prior voter registration.
  10. I have just moved away from Florida to another state. Is there anything I need to do about my voter registration?
    • If you would like to vote in your new state, please contact the election office for your new state for information on how to register to vote there.
    • If you are no longer a resident of Florida, send written notice to the Supervisor of Elections of the county of your former residence to cancel your Florida registration.
    • If the offices of President and Vice-President are on the ballot and you moved to your new state after the state’s registration deadline, you may, unless already removed from the rolls, vote that race only.
  11. I did not vote in the last election. Do I need to re-register to vote?
  12. I have not received my voter information card. What do I need to do?
  13. I need another voter information card. How do I get a new card?
  14. Is Florida a closed primary state?
  15. How does a felon get voting rights restored?
    • If convicted of murder or felony sexual offense, voting rights in Florida can only be restored through clemency pursuant to section 8, Art. V of the Florida Constitution. To apply for clemency, search for grant of clemency and certificates, and/or find out more information about clemency, visit the website for the Florida Commission on Offender Review.
    • If convicted of any other felony offense, voting rights are restored upon completion of all terms of a sentence including parole or probation pursuant to section 4., Art. VI of the Florida Constitution. Such convicted felon may alternatively apply for clemency to restore voting rights.
    • For more information, please refer to specific questions answered on our web page entitled Amendment 4: Standards Governing Eligibility to Vote After a Felony Conviction.
  16. If I am a victim of violence, how can I register and still keep my address and other identifying information confidential?